How to JoiN US
We Look Forward to Meeting You Soon!
“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Acts 2:46–47
Ways to Connect:
The best way to connect with us is by joining one of our house churches in person. This is the "main event" of what we do. If you already know someone who is part of our church, ask to join them at their next meeting. And if you don't yet know anyone, fill out the form below so we can help connect you to the best house church for you and your family. LEARN MORE

On the first and third Saturday night of each month, people from throughout our network gather together in Canton, Michigan, for a time of prayer, worship, testimonies, teaching, and ministry. If you don't yet know anyone, this may be the ideal way to meet us and make some connections. Then you can join a house church when you're ready to grow with us. LEARN MORE
This web site is full of teaching and encouragement for Christian living. We all need people, so we encourage people to join an interactive community of Christians as soon as possible. But if you don't have anything available near you, join our online school of ministry, and we'll help you plant, grow, and multiply house churches in your region! LEARN MORE

Through our Roots School of Ministry, we've started to develop a global reach. House churches that share our culture are already beginning in North America, Europe, Africa, and more.
As we grow, it isn't reasonable for us to answer questions about whether we have a house church in any given, random city around the world, so please understand that we can't easily connect you to groups in various places.
What we can do, however, is help you start a house church near you. And if we happen to know of similar house churches in your region, we can help introduce you to them so the different groups can begin to network together for greater impact.
If you want to start a house church abroad, you can do so on your own or in partnership with Roots Church. You can learn the basics in our house church training videos, or you can go in-depth with the Roots School of Ministry.