How to Share Your Faith
Tell Your Story and Introduce People to Jesus
“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Acts 2:46–47
Here at Roots, we believe every Christian shares the responsibility to make disciples. That can sound intimidating, but we've created a roadmap for how to lead friends and family to Jesus.
We call it L.O.V.E.D.
Click here to learn more about leading people to Jesus with L.O.V.E.D.
Evangelism Tools
The "Gospel Toolbox" is a resource in our app that teaches you
How to share your testimony
How to explain the gospel
How to lead someone to salvation
Every Christian ought to understand these three things fully so that he or she can utilize them at any time in any conversation.
3 Conversations to Lead a Friend to Jesus
This tool is a simple reference to help you think about ideal things to talk about with a friend, starting with simple, surface-level issues and gradually moving deeper.
We always recommend following the Holy Spirit. This guide is not meant to replace such prayerful sensitivity to God's direction. It's simply a reference that can help you move a relationship deeper into spiritual things.
Each conversation is organized in three subjects, each of which could be a conversation on its own. Spread this over multiple days or just cut to the chase.
Read through the conversations before meeting with someone so you understand the objectives and can be natural in your interaction. This isn't a script; it's a guide.

If you lead someone to Jesus, they're going to need to be introduced to the basics of Christianity—baptism, prayer, hearing God's voice, how to read the Bible, baptism in the Holy Spirit, evangelism, perseverance, and more.
This short, 90-page book offers new believers an enjoyable introduction to Christian living, with stories and insights from our house church network's Leadership Director, Art Thomas.
A free PDF version of this book is available here on our web site, or you can purchase print copies (bulk discounts available) by emailing Art Thomas at Art@RootsAG.org.