Biblical Revelation
Learn to effectively study the Scriptures and draw your own conclusions from the text.
Gospel Lifestyle
Learn to live an everyday lifestyle that looks like Jesus in character, love, and the power of God.
Interactive Learning
It's more than teaching. Ask questions, share your insights, and discover truth together.
Spiritual Emphasis
We're not interested in teaching only information. We want each class to be an encounter with God.
Teaching / Training / Transformation
Be equipped to live a Spirit-filled lifestyle of making disciples in the power of the Holy Spirit.
RSOM is the place to go if you want to dig deep into God's Word, receive practical training in the Christian life, activate a Spirit-filled lifestyle, and grow in ministry.
After operating our school in-person for three years with amazing results, we've decided to launch an entirely online program that you can follow at your own pace. This gives you time to dive deeper into each subject and learn according to your own schedule and needs.

Our Primary Purpose is to raise up leaders within our local network of house churches.
Our Secondary Purpose is to train believers around the world to live in the love and power of Jesus while planting, growing, and multiplying effective home groups in their local environment.
Those who finish the entire 35-lesson online program will have:
Studied and learned from the life of Christ in all four Gospels,
Learned to effectively proclaim and minister the gospel in the love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit,
Learned to lovingly express whatever gifts of the Spirit God leads them to express, both on the streets and in the context of a house church,
Developed skills in money management and debt-free living, healthy relationships, leadership, group management, personal evangelism, and more,
Learned to overcome sinful attitudes and painful life experiences to live free from the past,
Examined the beauty of the gospel, the power of prayer, the nature of God, and the thrilling reality of the Christian’s identity in Christ,
Participated in practical, hands-on ministry,
And more…
What to Expect:
Your instructors will be Art Thomas and JonMark Baker. Both are authors, itinerant ministers, and seasoned pastors who God has called and gifted to train and equip believers. With decades of ministry experience between them, Art and JonMark bring each topic to life with personal stories, biblical insights, and a fun sense of humor.
Every unit can be completed online at your own pace and contains three parts:
The first part is a playlist of carefully selected videos from other ministries and reading assignments that will help lay a foundation for the lesson's topic.
The second part is a step-by-step study of the life of Christ with readings and insights from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
The third part is a topical study that focuses on some aspect of personal growth or practical ministry. Most weeks, this teaching relates directly to something studied in the life of Christ portion.
In addition, we host an occasional Zoom meeting that is open only to active RSOM students. During this video conference call, students at various places in the curriculum can ask questions about the material, receive feedback from the instructors, and engage in dialogue about what they're learning. Zoom meetings will occur at different times to accommodate people with a variety of schedules, and they will be announced by email.

Instructors Art Thomas & JonMark Baker

Our primary text is the Bible. We'll study the life and ministry of Jesus in-depth with a roughly chronological journey through the four Gospels.
We'll also use the following two "40-Day" book studies, which we'll spread out over 35 weeks.
Paid in Full (also watch movie) – Thomas, Ammon, and Loruss
Voice of God (also watch movie) – Thomas, Ammon, and Loruss
In addition, we have one textbook that offers tons of practical advice for making disciples and pastoring them in your home. This book is written by Art Thomas and endorsed by some incredible people, like Daniel Kolenda, Doug Clay, Heidi Baker, and others.
Gospel Houses – Art Thomas
For those who are eager to learn and love to read, we also recommend the following books, which we'll spread out in the syllabus throughout the course (these books are not required):
The Heavenly Man – Paul Hattaway
Unburdened – Vance Pitman
At Work Within – Rick Osborne
Keeping the Fire – Rolland Baker
Family on Mission – Mike Breene
Money and the Prosperous Soul – Stephen K. De Silva
The Ministry of Intercession – Andrew Murray
Limitless Hope – Art Thomas
Adventure of Saying YES – JonMark Baker
For each unit, students are responsible to:
Watch between 2 and 4 hours of required videos. This includes about 45–60 minutes of teaching on the life of Christ and about an hour or more of teaching on the week's lesson topic.
Read approximately 1 hour of the Bible. Readings will explore the four Gospels and a few other Scriptures that cover the life of Christ, from eternity-past to eternity-future.
Complete the assigned readings, journal entries, and "action steps." These are all found in the two 40-Day books about healing ministry and hearing God's voice.
Engage in regular evangelism and disciple-making. Local students can go with our regular outreach teams or with experienced evangelists who are part of Roots Church. Distance students can receive coaching, training, and followup as they go out in pairs.
If possible, regularly attend a house church in the Roots Church network. This is most viable for students who are local to Metro Detroit, especially along the I-275 corridor. Distance students are welcome to plan a visit and tour multiple house churches while they're in the area. We generally recommend scheduling this meeting after you've completed at least half of the units in the curriculum.
Unit Topics
Exegesis, & Union with Christ
Hearing God's Voice
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Inner Transformation 1
Kingdom Finance 1
Gospel, Grace & the Law
Inner Transformation 2
Sharing Your Testimony
Evangelism Basics
Deliverance Ministry
Spiritual Warfare
Intro to House Churches
Healthy Relationships
Making Disciples Who Make Disciples
Kingdom Finance 2
Conflict Resolution
Sovereignty & Theodicy
Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Healthy Marriage & Romance
Christian Sexuality
Families and House Churches
Planting & Growing a House Church
Creating Culture in a House Church
Engaging a Fallen World
Perspectives on Eschatology
Baptism & Communion
Emotional Health in Ministry
Healing Ministry
Prophetic Ministry & Being Led by the Spirit
Ministry to the Poor
Spirit-Led House Churches
Cross-Cultural Evangelism & Missions
Multiplying House Churches
Impartation & Commissioning
Teaching is thorough. By the end of the 35 weeks, each student will have received about 1,000 pages of outlines/notes.
Requirements & Tuition
Our curriculum is designed for adults, but minors as young as 14 years old may participate with a parent's permission (due to occasional subject matter that may not be suitable for some—see topics above).
All applicants must have adequate time available to participate in the class. (See expectations above.)
OPTIONAL COHORTS. If you're the type of person who prefers a social component in your learning, you may choose to join with a group of friends who agree to walk through the curriculum at the same pace.
WEEKLY - Usually only about a quarter of the students who join are able to maintain a pace of one lesson per week as most adults are too busy for all the reading and video assignments, but a highly focused group could probably do it.
BI-WEEKLY - You may want to meet every two weeks, which is a more manageable pace and will take almost a year and a half to complete.
MONTHLY - For maximum flexibility and a more leisurely pace, your group can gather monthly, but will take about 3 years to finish the curriculum.
Tuition is voluntary. We do request that people consider giving a donation of $49 per month to help us cover the costs involved in producing and maintaining the school. Mission Partners of Roots Church are invited to attend for free, since they already give regularly to our church. Voluntary tuition of any amount is considered a tax-deductible donation to our church, and you'll receive a giving receipt at the end of the calendar year.

NOTE: The Roots School of Ministry online course is currently under development. Classes will be posted in our online software as they become available. Those participating in this program during development may not be able to follow a fixed schedule as sometimes multiple weeks may pass before a class becomes available.
By signing up below, you will be added to an email list where we will notify you of classes as they are posted in the course. Thanks for your patience as we endeavor to produce a high-quality learning experience for you!